October 7-10, Las Vegas

Coalesce 2024

Chat to the team about all things BI and dbt, and learn more about our new AI-powered data analyst!

🌶️ Coalesce Las Vegas

Whether you're interested in a demo, a chat, some tie-dying (Yes, it's back!) or some limited edition culinary Lightdash swag, representatives from the team will be there in-person including our founders, folks from Sales, Product and Engineering. Book in time with a Lightdash Expert at the conference now.
Booth 207, 7-10th October, 8am-7pm PDT

🚀 Semantic layers: The next data revolution or just overrated hype?

Hear from our Head of Product, Katie Hindson on the truth behind semantic layers. Who needs them? What are they? Should you need one? Come along to learn more!
Lily Room, 8th October 3:30pm - 4pm PDT

🍹Data Uncorked at Wally's

We'll be kicking off Coalesce right, with some great cocktails and fine dining amongst friends. We'll be co-hosting a fantastic evening and the perfect way to warm up for the conference! Sign up here
Wally's (Resort World), 7th October, 7-9pm PDT

🍴Data Leaders Dinner

On Tuesday evening we're co-hosting an invite-only dinner for friends and community members of Lightdash. Expect elevated and innovative Japanese cuisine and an extensive selection of Sake! Want to join? Get in touch with mikkel@synq.io or ian@lightdash.com
Kusa Nori (Resort World), 8th October, 6:30pm PDT

🎉  Event details
In person
Resort World, Las Vegas
October 7-10th
Booth 207