Lightning Posts

Demo week #1

June 24, 2022
Demo week #1
Priyanka Patel
Demo week #1

Introducing Lightning Posts

Hello! We are Lightdash and we’re on a journey to empower our users to get the best possible answers to their data questions. We have an exciting week ahead and we’re kicking off by introducing you to our shiny new blog, Lightning Posts!

Our CTO Oliver once asked “Are SaaS startups the dinosaurs & is the Open Source meteor coming after them?”.

Controversial? Perhaps... but we’ve always felt very strongly about building in public. All our crucial product discussions and updates take place on GitHub and we value the part our amazing community plays in this. Whilst it’s pretty obvious what we’re building, it’s not very clear how we’re building. We’re a small team of 6 with big plans and we’re learning so much on the way. Lightning Posts will provide honest insights into what it takes to build and scale a top-notch BI tool.

We hope you will enjoy it!  Here’s Lightning Post #1:

Demo Week

Today marks the start of our very first Demo Week... it’s exactly what it sounds like! In traditional scrum, a sprint ends with a demo - an opportunity for internal stakeholders to get up to speed and give feedback on the product’s progress. At Lightdash, there is one difference in this process, and you’ve guessed it already....we do it in public!

Demo Week will be the culmination of 6 weeks of awesome work from the Lightdash team. Expect product announcements and insights across all our channels!

For a detailed breakdown of our product planning process, keep your eyes peeled for a post by Katie, our Data & Product Lead, later this week.

Why are we doing it?

It’s very easy to get distracted in a startup. Our new way of planning 6 weeks ahead at a time helps us commit to building some of the most complex and difficult features of Lightdash whilst being able to remain reactive and nimble.

It’s important to note that we won’t be launching features during Demo Week. In fact, we ship features as early as possible! We announce them across various channels, however, the reach here is limited and not all changes are noticeable in the product.

Demo Week gives us a chance to shout about what we’ve been working as well as why you should care. It’s mostly about communication and occasionally about celebration. We don’t intend for our Demo Weeks to reach Microsoft hype levels.

(also, we don’t need them to - our founders Hamzah and Oliver are like this on a normal day):

What should you expect this week?

This Demo Week, expect product updates ranging from tiny (but effective) power-user upgrades, to shiny new features, with insights on best practise and a focus on the why. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to provide feedback and potentially feed into what we work on in our next sprint.

Visit Lightning Posts over the next few days and follow us on Twitter to keep up to date! Here is a sneak peek of the schedule:

Day 1: All about Filters

Day 2: The Art of creating Charts

Day 3: Product planning at LightdashHappy developers = Happy users

Day 4: dbt metrics magic

Happy Demo Week! 🎉

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